I am so excited to announce the opening of my new Design Shop for Photographers. I offer card templates, storyboards, digital papers, digital design kits and logos! I will also do custom digital papers/ kits and logos. Contact me for more information on custom items. I will be adding new products weekly so be sure...
I’ve liked all of the fb pages! (c:
I’ve also spread the word about the giveaway and posted the link to your blog as my fb status.
I’ve also posted a link to the giveaway on thebump.com on their photography board. http://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/49583654/ShowThread.aspx#49583654
I’ve even posted about it to my blog!
I “liked” the FB pages!
I’ve spread the news with my FB status 🙂
I’ve liked all the pages 🙂
I tweeted 🙂
I like all the vendors on facebook.
I shared on facebook.
I shared on facebook, twice!
tweet tweet. I shared on twitter
I liked all the vendors on facebook!
I “liked” all of them, but # 4 and # 13 the links didn’t work. 🙂
I posted a link on my FB page!
I liked everyone on FB! Thanks for the givewaway!
I liked all the pages. #4 and #13 didn’t work, but I found the pages using FB search.
Posted the link to my FB page!
I tweeted about the giveaway and shared the link.
I liked all the FB pages 😀
I shared on my FB page
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/erinnoie/status/40173390589476864
I blogged about it! http://erinnoie.blogspot.com/2011/02/giveaway.html
I shared about the giveaway in a “secret” photography group on FB 😉 hope this counts as a forum!
Liked all the vendor pages!
Tweeted about the giveaway! @genevievephotog
Shared on FB!
I went and “liked” all of the pages and shared the giveaway info on my FB page!
Became a fan of all the pages on Facebook!
I “Liked” all the pages on Facebook.
Tweeted! (@photomamaskiier)
I liked all the facebook pages 🙂
Just shared the giveaway on my FB page 🙂
I liked all the facebook pages! This is a great giveaway by the way!
I just shared the giveaway on my fb page.
I shared your giveaway on my blog. 🙂
“Liked” all the pages, great giveaway!
Put the link on my facebook page too!
tweeted the link as well
posted the link on my blog
I shared the giveaway on my photog FB page…
Posted a link on my Twitter page!!!! @sweet_t_photog
I am now a “liker” fan of all the vendors you listed!!! Thank you! They are all awesome!!! (Tiffany Reynolds Lane)
Posted a link on my photog blog!!!!
I’m now a fan of everyone’s pages!
Ashley Price
I’ve also given a shout-out on my personal facebook page for everyone to “check-out” your awesome giveaway!!!
Ashley Price
Liked all of the vendors, Posted about the giveaway on facebook and twitter!
Amanda Gardner
I liked all of the pages on facebook!!
Kara Janelle
I posted on facebook!! http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=156168117770275&id=100000722125696
Kara Janelle
I tweeted the tweet here:
Kara Janelle
I liked all the pages!
I “liked” ALL the pages on facebook! They all ROCK…but my favorite is Heartstrings by Kristin! Awesome giveaway!!
Since I can’t love vendors I went ahead and “liked” them all.
Put a notice about the giveaway as my status on FB. Check it out at
I “liked” ALL the pages on facebook!
Shared about the giveaway on my facebook status!
twitted – http://twitter.com/anelgim
Love all these amazing vendors….would love to be a winner!
“Like” ALL the vendor’s Facebook pages
littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net
Promoted on Facebook
littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net
littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net
I posted this on my blog
littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net
I “Liked” All the links. 🙂
Posted on Facebook
shared on my blog