Erin Leigh Studio, photographs Adalynn’s 6 Month photo session, baby photography Kansas City
I loved little Miss Adalynn’s 6 month baby session. She was all rolls and absolutely adorable! Last time I saw this beauty was at her Kansas City newborn photo session. I love seeing how my ELS First Year Club babies grow. This little gal also had great eye contact and was holding in the smiles but gave me a few. Her session took place near the holidays so mom wanted to incorporate a Christmas outfit. My favorites are the ones of her in the diaper cover and all nakey. She’s soooo adorable! I just want to pinch those cheeks and cuddle with her. <3 I’m looking forward to Adalynn’s 1 year session which is coming up soon! I’m sure she’s grown so much!

baby photography kansas city
Look at that smile! Mom must have been saying something funny at this time!