I really enjoyed being Miss Cora’s Lenexa Newborn Photographer. She did amazing! Big brother also did great! He loved taking photos with her. He gave her hugs and kisses and smiles. These two are going to be best buddies and will love playing with each other. Big brother is so sweet to her! I love capturing photos of big siblings and newborn babies. I think it’s so important to see their connection and interaction. Although, it’s not easy to capture these shots, I do the best I can and most older siblings cooperate.
Big brother was just so sweet to his little sister. It will be great to look back on these images when they are older.
One of my favorite in a newborn session is when the baby gives me some eye contact. It reminds me that yes they are tiny humans and not just babies. Their instincts are amazing!
We can’t forget about those little details: long eye lashes and tiny fingers oh my! I just love them!